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Inserzionista: Umby
Citta': Napoli
Zona: in citta'

Salve a tutti date un'occhiata a questo sito..con un investmento di solo un dollaro..puoi guadagnare fino a 1,900,000.00$

fatemi sapere se siete interessati, la descrizione è in inglese basta tradurlo col traduttore di Google o altro.

Our Income System in a nutshell:

For STAGE 1....

( based on 10 $1 signups for everyone, with easy automatic advancement - think of signups as "seats"). At only $1 per seat sold, getting 10 or more is a piece of cake and just look at the money you will receive. . .

GROUP 1 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $1 ===> YOU GET BACK $10.00....THEN, OUT OF THIS $10.00, YOUR INCOME GROWS....(automated process - nothing else to do):
GROUP 2 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $3 ===> YOU GET BACK $150.00
GROUP 3 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $12 ===> YOU GET BACK $6,000.00
GROUP 4 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $24 ===> YOU GET BACK $120,000.00 !!!

Now, here comes STAGE 2...These are the same "Seats" from STAGE 1....You are simply getting paid more, while everyone is moving up!!!

GROUP 5 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $48 ===> YOU GET BACK $240.00
GROUP 6 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $96 ===> YOU GET BACK $4,800.00
GROUP 7 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $192 ===> YOU GET BACK $96,000.00
GROUP 8 ===> SYSTEM PUTS IN $384 === > YOU GET BACK $1,900,000.00+

We are positive that, by following the plan above, you are in for an extremely profitable future, with mind boggling income potential that will continue to grow as you put everything into action.

This program is sooo very simple!!! You are automatically paid from the Spillover and Spillunder that is already being produced for you. And, this program is set up on a Forced Two stage 10 x 4 format - that produces massive income!!!

Wanna Speed Up the Process by a Factor UP To Ten? (click the PIF Diagram to access your FREE referrals to Group 1) . . .

Power PIF (pay-it-forward) Strategy

*Keep in mind this is based on completed Groups for simplicity. However, you are earning AS-YOU-GO and Do Not have to Wait on a Group to fill completely (plus, you decide how many to PIF - illustration is based on Power PIF of 10).

You Earn AS-YOU-GO (as Seats are filled) !!

Our MagicDolla system allows you PIF any free member in your Group 1.

So, why would you want to do this?

Check out the 10X FASTER strategy (based on everyone buying into the Power PIF Strategy for just $20 out of pocket).

1. Basically, everyone agrees to PIF 10 Seats - Total cost is $10 for the Seats and $10 in Alertpay fee = $20 out of pocket (still, a very low investment), that excelerates the process 10 fold !!

2. You spend $20 one-time only to PIF 10 Seats, which equals a complete cycle of Group 1 and you've earned $10 back - so you actually spent just $10 (we take the first $3 to upgrade your Seat to Group 2).

3. Those you bring on agree to Power PIF 10 Seats in their group to get the exact results you did from Steps 1 and 2.

4. When Your 10 Power PIF their 10 (out of pocket is $10, see Step 2), you have now advanced to Group 3 and have a completely filled Group 2 and earned $150 (less the $12 for your Seat in Group 3).

When, the last group who just came on - Power PIF their 10, this will push you to a completed Group 3 and $6,000 !! .. and on to the really BIG MONEY!! When the last Group Power PIF their 10, you are basically - RICH !! (see below). . .

5. Again, Group 3 will pay you $6,000 when completed and get you a seat in the final Group 4 (where you receive $120,000 and a coveted Seat in Stage 2 where you can max out at over $2 Million with the very same Seats filled from Stage 1).

The magic is in pure numbers, The Automatic Advancement to the next groups, and The Lowest Price Point in the industry. This Lowest Price Point drives these numbers almost like Magic to The Masses for Maximum Duplication, and your income through the roof.

Skype: massimiliano081


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