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Be an Activist, Volunteer and take a BA in Pedagogy!
Inserzionista: DNS
Prezzo: 600,00€
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Citta': Roma

DNS Tvind (The Necessary teacher Training College) in co-operation with One World University offers a 3-years teacher education leading to a BA licentiate in Pedagogy.
We offer unique opportunities to face some of the necessities of our times, with action and solidarity with The Poor of our world. Our program contains the training of essential life skills and for living a meaningful life in the 21st century. Taking part in the program includes a vast array of goals, ambitions and action.... it is about ensuring the experiences you gain have a long lasting impact on the people whose lives you touch. It is about creating peace and development between people by being honest, open and incurraptable. It is about deciding to learn new things, being constantly curious and interested in knowing the latest on current events, world politics and scientific progress. It is essiantially about working on common ground together, helping to secure the ability of others to be productive in society. Coming together with many like-minded people can make the above a reality.

Bachelor in `Pedagogy´
Bringing up and instructing children and youth to learn the skills and acquire the knowledge and wisdom they need to carry the future of humanity, is no small task. Teachers are needed who know their trade, who possess a modern perspective of today’s world, and who are willing to push the boundaries of tradition in search of ways and means of teaching and learning that will genuinely provide the new generations with the practical tools, the ethics and the human qualities they require to be able to take on life; as individuals, as progressive citizens of their country and as modern inhabitants and caretakers of the globe and its beings. The aim of the OWU Licentiate Degree in Pedagogy is to train such teachers.

1. Year – The International Practice Field includes 2 months in Denmark preparing for a 4-month bus travel; 4 months bus travel through the Sahara desert and 3 months of elaboration and spreading the word to people in Europe

2. Year – The National Practice Field includes 6 months training in experiencing and understanding the national reality by seeking employment in factories and other workplaces. Living, studying, working and organizing cultural events in a bigger European city; 3 months studying at the school and 3 months doing what you find most appropriate to do

3. Year – The School Practice Field includes 8 months training, working and understanding the reality of children and teachers by seeking employment in a European school; 4 months at the college studying and final exams.

Starting date: 1st September each year.

How to continue from here
If you consider doing this program, the first step for you is to contact us and fill out an application form. We will then get back to you to answer any questions you might have.
Next step is to have a telephone interview to go through practical questions. We also would like that you attend an info meeting in your country or come to our college for a preparatory weekend.
If you decide to enroll, you fill in and sign an enrollment form and pay the enrollment fee. Then you have a place in the team.


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