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Ad Assessor- Italy

Inserzionista: Lionbridge
Link al sito:
Citta': Bologna
Zona: in provincia

Language: Italian
Location: Italy - Work From Home
Status: Independent Contractor, Part-time
This Lionbridge project is a platform that supports online advertising products. This task is to help train search algorithms for the platform. This is a work from home position requiring attentive and motivated individuals. It involves labelling websites based on given criteria. The successful candidate will work within a web-based application comparing user search engine queries and advertiser keywords with website landing pages. The Ad Assessor must judge the relevancy and relationship between the page itself and the query, keyword and ad snippets on the page.
This is a freelance, independent contractor position.
• Ability to recognize patterns and draw conclusions from those patterns
• Desire and interest in doing research when a term is unfamiliar or not understood
• Ability to pinpoint the core meaning and intent of keyword queries
• Decisiveness; Ability to independently make quick decisions under time constraints
• Critical thinking skills (defined as: the analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and reconstruction of thinking).
• Fluency in English and Italian (both written & oral)
• Must reside in Italy for last 5 consecutive years, for cultural awareness purposes
• Excellent Communication skills – both written and spoken
• Ability to work under little to no supervision & with tight deadlines
• Ability to clearly explain and defend editorial decisions in both written and verbal form
• Work from home office environment
• PC with Windows 7 or Vista. Apple OS or older versions of Windows are not acceptable
• High Speed Internet connection. Minimum upload speed of 1mpbs
• Software applications, e.g. Antivirus software, Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat Reader, Adobe Shockwave player, Microsoft Silverlight etc.
University/College Degree level or foreign equivalent: Preferably in human sciences such as Psychology, Sociology, Library Science, etc.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity
Please visit link below to complete and submit your application:


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