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Lionbridge Multimedia Program- Italy
Inserzionista: Lionbridge
Link al sito:
Citta': Ferrara
Zona: in provincia

“Valuing your knowledge and opinions”

Type: Work from Home, Temporary, Part-time, Independent Contractor


As an Image/Video Judge you will be a key participant in helping determine the relevance of search results in Italy. The role involves detailed reviewing, evaluation and feedback of images/videos based on an objective set of guidelines using online tools. The ability to quickly identify and assess content which is relevant to a particular search is an integral part of this role. Candidates must be avid internet enthusiasts. If you love browsing the web and can follow specific guidelines to rate websites, then we want to hear from you!

The goal of Image/Video judging is to
• Measure the relevance of the customers search engine in providing the best user experience when searching for images/videos. Improving the click through experiences for end users is the main goal of the HRS Multimedia system.
• Rate queries and the corresponding image/video results using judging scale.
• Please note that from time to time, image and video judges may be asked to rate images and videos of an adult nature. Therefore, applicants must be willing to view content of this type in order to participate on this program. Further information on the possibility of working on this type of material will be provided during the recruitment process.

You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours, depending on availability of tasks (10-20 hours per week). Payment will be based on completion of the agreed upon tasks or engagements within the specified time period.

This is a freelance, independent contractor position.

• Fluency in English and Italian are essential, additional language skills are an advantage
• Must be working and living in Italy for a period of 5 years
• Familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs etc. in your country
• A keen interest in the Internet e.g. researcher, blog writing, forums, website publishing
• Flexibility to complete a variety of different tasks following standard sets of guidelines
• Strong attention to detail, analytical skills and excellent communication are essential
• Ability to work independently and flexibly to new techniques/processes
• Degree level qualification

What We Offer
• Competitive hourly rate 9 Euro per hour
• Flexible Hours. You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours, Sunday – Saturday, depending on availability of tasks
• Further opportunities may arise to contribute to other tasks and projects on a freelance basis

Technical Requirements
• Work from home office environment
• PC with Windows 7 or Vista. Apple OS or older versions of Windows are not acceptable
• High Speed Internet connection. Minimum upload speed of 1mpbs
• Software applications, e.g. Antivirus software, Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat Reader, Adobe Shockwave player, Microsoft Silverlight etc.

The Organization:

Lionbridge is the leading provider of translation, development and testing solutions that enable clients to create, release, manage and maintain their technology applications and Web content globally. Through our dedicated Enterprise Crowdsourcing division, we help clients grow their businesses by providing the most agile and professional work solutions on the planet changing the way work gets done. To learn more visit

To Apply:
Please copy and paste the following link into your browser to complete and submit your application:

If you experience any technical issues when you are submitting your application please contact the following email address:

This is an exciting opportunity so don’t miss out.


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